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My Latest Books I've Written, and are Writing.

I can't express enough how much I love to write. It's a talent that I've had ever since I was four. It helped me express how I truly felt about life and myself. I was depressed as a child all through life and writing helped me escape life and those around me. At first; I hated writing just to write because my hand would cramp up and I'd get tired of reading just to get something done. By the age of ten I picked up a bunch of paper and pencils to pass the time and write little poem here and there. Those poems then grew into short stories and I began to realize I had a gift. I spent countless hours locked up in my room creating tons of stories with many characters, plots, and themes that put a smile on my face.

As the years progressed; during school hours I'd sneak my mini stories and work on them as much as possible. The people in the offices that handled with students like me would help me develop a system to where the stories I'd work on be more professional. Every afternoon after school I'd see on of the secretaries and they would laminate the covers of my stories, and some of them would read them as well. That went on throughout the time I was in junior high up until I graduated high school.

Now that I'm older I still enjoy writing and it's taken over my life in a positive way. As a child I would write murder mysteries, and a little of adventure stories. In high school; I wrote murder mysteries, and romance, and college to now I write murder mysteries, romance, and erotica, I write novels because as I grew up novels spoke to me more than music did.

I tried for years to learn how to play piano, guitar, and many more; but nothing seemed to fit. Some people are born to play instruments, and others are born to build well I, was born to write. My hands tell my story and many others as I pick up a pen and paper and write.

I've written over 10,000 stories and I continue to write more as the years go on. Someone I knew who's actually read some of my books told me: "You have a way with words that move people's hearts..." I'd like to think they're right. I would work on five different books at the same time for one year, but now I just pick one book to work on for each year, and make that the book for that year. Just last year; 2018 I wrote a book called: "Rose of Silk" it's gotten over 3.6K readers on this website I now use to share my love for writing called Wattpad. This year, I'm working on a book called "Drawn To You" and that's coming out soon for this year.

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